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Fabric-Devkit projects have been sub-divided into sub projects and topics reflecting the components of Hyperledger Fabric. To help you find resources appropriate for your needs, the following are personas and their user stories that you can follow to match your learning objectives.


All personas listed has limited experience of distributed ledger technology or Hyperldger Fabric.

Persona Background
Alice An experience nodeJS developer with no experience of Go coding
Albert An experience Go developer with knowledge of docker with no experience of Go
Beatrice A platform engineer with no blockchain experience.
Bob A product owner with no blockchain experience.

User Stories

Find a persona and user story that matches you. Then follow the links presented.

Persona User story Suggested resource
Alice She would like to learn to write chaincode in Go. core-chaincode-go
Bob He is working with Alice to create a Hyperledger Fabric app and he is responsible for writing chaincode and spining up a small network for debugging Two organisations networ for dev
Alice She is working with Bob to produce a Hyperledger Fabric app and she is reponsible for creating the client app in nodeJS [TO-DO]
Beatrice She is tasked with the reponsibility of creating a Hyperledger Fabric platform as a service. Networking examples
Bob He is task with the job of creating user stories for a Hyperledger Fabric based product [TO-DO]

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